How will my new GPU affect my computer's performance? Skyrim fps?

Right now I have a AMD dual core 3.2 ghz processor with 4GB ram and a sub-par gpu. I'm thinking of upgrading to NVIDIA geforce gtx 670.
At the moment, I get about 10 fps on skyrim low settings. How much fps gain should I expect with the new GPU?


Favorite Answer

Depends on quality settings and screen resolution, but your FPS shouldn't drop below 50.


with a gtx 670 there wont be a problem for the graphic card to run any game.
the problem then is your processor will bottle neck your graphic card instead. why not go for something like a gtx 560 Ti 448 core and throw in a quad core too? should give you a good upgrade and better for future upgrades of the graphic card (if needed)
a gtx 560 ti 448 core wont have a problem with most games either, it will be more with games lik,e battlefield 3 or such that it wont be able to max (still play on high settings and around there thu)


enable's initiate off via giving you my specs (till now I made some enhancements / overclocked) AMD Phenom II x4 955 ASUS GeForce GTX 460 1gb 256bit 4gb DDR3 1600 Antec intense present day 750w i grow to be working Skyrim maxed out @ around 60+FPS, and as you mentioned, the FPS dropped extremely specifically areas (~40FPS, nevertheless playable). i grow to be working Crysis 2 maxed out @ around 30-40FPS+, 60+ indoors. Your FPS looks o.k., truly. attempt overclocking your GPU. I controlled to hit 950Mhz (speeds as intense as a GTX 470!). Overclocked: AMD Pheonom II x4 955 @ 3.8ghz ASUS GeForce GTX 470 1gb 256bit 950/1900/1950 It gave me a great FPS improve of 10-20FPS+. None of this truly concerns anymore however, because of the fact I further a 2nd GTX 460. -replace your drivers -And btw, your PSU does look slightly low. My gadget grow to be drawing around ~480w with one card (non overclocked). And your 975 could be drawing extra. it can be a good thought to enhance it, whether it does not supply you a overall performance improve. Your PSU could truly blow out.


You could expect to see a big difference in fps.

Fluffy the Fox2012-07-03T17:36:06Z

um.. 70?
answer my question on Neverwinter nights lag please;_ylt=AoGnhQUtDUmxcXLb571BQ6Psy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120701164823AAynmyj