does anyone like water polo?

Mr. Anonymous2012-07-31T16:26:56Z

Favorite Answer

A bunch of whales dancing if you ask me


It's a nice sport :) and I assure Ivan that Greeks still love this sport. A lose doesn't mean anything anyway. It can enhance the willpower of a team so that the players will have better results on their next game :)


I love water polo. I've never played an actual game, but scrimmaging with my swim team is fun and it's great being able to drown people you don't like too much "unintentionally".
Watching it is pretty great too. It's a fun sport c:


I don't think Greeks do after today :)
Kidding, of course someone does. I do.

Susan M2012-07-29T12:18:08Z

Someone must, but I do not.

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