Richard Muller is a scientist & professor that originally said he was skeptical at best that man-made global warming actually existed. He essentially doubted the existence of man-made global warming.
The Koch Brothers got word of it, and gave him $150,000. They also further funded his research into the matter so he could prove that man-made global warming didn't exist.
The result of his research? Richard Muller came to the conclusion that man-made global warming definitely exists, and subsequently reversed his position.
Koch Brothers = OWNED.
Conservatives = OWNED.
Moderate centrist: Believe it or not, scientists aren't all money-hungry immoral people - perhaps you're projecting. There isn't a conspiracy every time a scientist doesn't agree with your point of view.
Scientists actually do care about arriving at the truth.
Favorite Answer
If you believe the deniers,all the climate scientists who preceded this one to the same conclusion were all a part of the Great Climate Change Hoax,"...which is enabling greedy scientists to build diamond-encrusted swimming pools filled with Dom Perignon, and to buy very long straws with which to drink it..."
Documents were leaked earlier in the year from the 'free-market' Heartland Institute, revealing payments to prominent climate-change deniers, a plan to create a fossil-fuel-friendly curriculum for Kindergartners, and efforts to 'keep opposing voices' out of the media. There was no sense denying it by a prominent scientist, not expecting to get funded to propagate a myth any longer.
But one troublesome aspect if you listen to Muller, is that he's blaming others for the problem, like the Chinese and also said that if we can't get the Chinese to do something about it, then it's not worth it for us to do something.
Owned? Seriously?!?!?...what are you, 10 years old?
I am not going to take the word of one study or one newspaper like the LA Times as my guide to what is real or not real. No one is "owned" by one article or one study. I think all of us seek the truth. Climate change is cyclical. That is a fact. Is our pollution effecting it? Probably, I think that is probably a fact as well but to what extent? Anthony Watts is also a distinguished scientist who says it is mostly cyclical. Does that mean liberals are "owned"? No. It is one man and one study...same as Muller.
I do know that the whole "global warming" thing has made a lot of people A LOT of money, whether it is fact or fraud...I also think if Al Gore was so interested in global warming. natural resources and energy, that he would not be the proud owner of the private residence that uses the most power in the state of Tennessee. At least Ed Begley and Daryl Hannah try to live by their beliefs. When Al Gore cares about his own carbon footprint as much as he does other peoples....I MIGHT take him ore seriously (although since he has already lost most of his credibility with A LOT people...I think most of us would not care about Gore under any circumstances but I do read and listen to many others who are scientists and I find Muller interesting, just as I find Watts interesting. Should global warming be something we all care about getting to the truth on.....or just something we can play politics with? Personally, I think if we truly care about the planet we would not keep making this a political issue but simply do our part to help the situation.
Far as I can see that doesn't change the fact that scientists used a flawed climate model to support the idea of man caused global warming, then lied about it to keep their government money flowing. This planet has gone thru warming and cooling cycles all thru its history. Even when humans were not here. In the 1930s we had another "proven science" it was called eugenics. Laws were passed based on it and in Europe it was used as an excuse for some interesting attempts at racial cleaning and breeding. Pardon me if I have doubts about any scientists.
Anybody who thinks that we can keep Breeding like animals Mowing down nature And spewing pollution and that nothing bad will happen. Is delusional. Of which there are many.