Taking a road trip during third trimester?

We're going to attempt to drive an 800 mile (each way) road trip over the holidays and I will be 32/33 weeks pregnant. Does anyone have any experience with a road trip late in pregnancy? Any advice? If the roads are bad we probably won't risk it. This is our second baby and I had no complications with #1.


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We drove about the same distance (both ways) during my last pregnancy, and it was fine. I was tired all day everyday anyway, so I just ended up sleeping most of the way.

Have lots of healthy snacks on hand (a batch of bananas and apples :). Also, bring atleast 2 pillows. The front seat isn't the comfiest of beds, and when you want to lay on your side, you'll need atleast one pillow to support your stomach and one or two pillows to get between your head, the seatbelt, and that huge gap between the headrest and the wall of the car. Sitting in the backseat was sometimes a little more comfortable, but you can't lean the seat back at all to get the feeling of lying down, and it's not safe to lay down on the seat since you wont' have a seat belt!

But with a baby/toddler, you may end up sitting in the back most of the time anyway to keep him/her entertained. If they're in a car seat facing the front seat, you can do a bit of entertainment from the front, but if they're facing backwards, you won't do much for them when they're bored. Make sure you have bottles that don't leak, because our 15 month old was having quite the fun time throwing his bottle over the edge of his car seat during our last trip; I had him using his old bottle instead of his sippy cup since his sippy cups drip a bit and I didn't want the floor or the seats soaked with milk or juice.

And be prepared to make lots of rest stops for you to go to the bathroom and stretch your legs. And that's just for you! With a baby/toddler in the car, the main trick is to take your time, because you'll be making stops all the time for diapers and letting him stretch his own legs and burn off some energy. Don't get mad or frustrated when you have to pull off at the next stop after just pulling onto the freeway because he suddenly decides he's hungry, or worse...because he spit up all over his car seat! (Happened to us last time; it was soaked!). Aside from his well-stocked diaper bag up front, make sure that the baby's bag is easily accessible (i.e. in the back seat or right in front of the trunk)...again...a lesson learned after our son's major spit up last month.

We chose to drive as much during the night as possible, so that the baby could stay on his regular sleep schedule and sleep as much as possible during the trip. But you mentioned bad roads...if the trip is going to be icy roads, it may be better to stick to the daytime for driving. And again, ice roads or not, just take your time. Better to get there alive and relaxed than stressed out and too tired to do anything.


As long as you stop and use the bathroom you should be okay. I was around 33 weeks and took a two hour trip and was ok, you should be fine congrats on ur baby!!!


I had a little shorter trip but had to pee often thoughtout the way :s


Just stop every few hours to pee and do some stretches...


just dont over do it your be fine