I would like to know people's opinion about this vaccines. My indoor cats will never interact with other animals. So, I hate to think that Everytime I bring my cat to the vet for yearly exam that they have to give rabies shot because it's "mandatory". Their vet told me that 1 yr is safer than 3 yrs, I went for what the vet recommend but now next year they get another shot. I would like them to have yearly check up ( eventhough they are healthy ) but not if it ment that they get shots every year.
1 yr ( purevax)
Mary V2012-08-28T00:47:55Z
Favorite Answer
Does your vet offer the rabies PureVax (Merial makes it)? This is a rabies vaccine that is specifically formulated for cats and it is safer (it is a one year vaccine). You really do want to do the rabies vaccine on schedule as required by law. Even though your cats are indoor only, there is always the slim possibility of something getting in from outside (i.e. bats can apparently squeeze in through tiny spaces). The bigger issue is that if one of your cats bit someone in your home and that person wanted to make an issue out of it, if the rabies vaccine is not up to date, your local animal control would likely treat your cat as an unvaccinated cat, which means you would run the risk of your cat being impounded for observation. It's not work risking that. The one year vaccine is generally considered to be safer, but the PureVax is the best option for cats. Most cat-only vet practices offer it, but some general practices may offer it as well.
Because they are the same, the AVMA has stated for a few years actually that the 1 year is the 3 year. The only reason in regards to dogs that they offer two version is because of the states who REQUIRE dogs to be vaccinated every year. That's it. The majority of states have now changed that after the AVMA has come out and point blank said yearly vaccinations are not needed and that the yearly protocol is effectively over vaccinating dogs who still have immunity against the virus. I've looked on like and cannot a part by part ingredient list for either vaccine so I would talk to your vet about it.
I have never heard of any problems with a 3 year rabies shot. That's what I do with my cat and he is perfectly healthy. A yearly check up is great but ask the Dr to give a 3 year rabies shot.