Emotions make people weak?

It seems like people who cannot control there emotions are the weakest. They make rash,stupid,illogical decisions that ultimately get them in trouble. without emotion we would be better, we would not have mercy, we would be more logical, smarter, more efficient. The only reason we have emotion is to survive, it was ironically a defense mechanism. made parents stay with kids and made humans stay with humans. we do not need that anymore, it is more of a tax now right?


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People who can't let themselves have their emotions are weak.

People who act "stupid" and "irrational" are doing it for a very good reason. It works. And it's not an acceptance of their emotions that leads them to act out, it's the use of one emotion to mask another. People who's emotional reactions don't fit the situation are feeling another more relevant and deep emotional reality right underneath it.

Emotions themselves are not defenses any more than pain or comfort are a defense. You want to feel pain when you rest your hand on a lit stove so that you know to move your hand away. You want to feel anger when people are acting unjustly, sadness when there is a terrible situation, fear when there is a threat, happy when you are living in line with your values, guilt when you are not.

Emotions aren't defenses, they are a super power.


Not so - even when we are prey to powerful feelings we are learning more about them and our selves and how to deal with them - The ones who crack the hardest are those who dont even acknowledge their feelings and then are hit big time with no defence in place - Believe me feelings will win over logic any time and bring you to your knees in a way that your mind cannot - We have feelings so we can learn about ourselves as well as sense danger and find a mate they are also there to help you laugh away depression - but keep your ideas and live by them and we will see who is stronger in the end .
There is a theory at 'act think feel' are expeienced by all of us in individually different combinations and so it might seem that those who think or act first might think themselves to be better than others who feel first but the real trick is to take all of it into account - our animal gut instincts are often what saves us from real and present danger - stop to think and you might be toast.

All hat2012-09-02T14:25:07Z

Emotion enables love. It also gives people character. Acting out emotions is not the same thing as having them.


Emotions are the key motivators.... zero emotion means zero motion.
It is lack of emotional intelligence which makes us a slave to our emotions rather than work them up with proper intensity, timing and direction to become the most helpful tools towards achieving our purpose.

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