What happened to "yes we can"?


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It turned into 'you didn't build that', ' it was bush's fault, 'those nasty republicans stopped me doing what I wanted to' and 'I just need more time'.

He just needs four more years to perfect his golf game and milk the celebrity lifestyle for all it's worth....yes he can!


It's still going strong but much of it has been changed into "yes we did".

Unemployment down.
Bin Laden dead.
All top leaders of Al Quaeda dead.
Manufacturing up.
Stock market soaring.
Housing starts up.
Equal pay for women.
Lower interest on Pell Grants.
Greater benefits for veterans.
Wall street regulations.
Lower dependency on foreign oil.
Greater gas efficiency for cars.
Automobile industry saved, etc. etc. etc.
Affordable healthcare taken out of the hands of insurance companies.

Finished yet, no. But on our way and getting better all the time because "Yes We Can"!!.

Wounded Duck2012-09-07T09:55:34Z

The reality of the economic debacle the GOP made for us.


It has been replaced by "NO, we can't"! :)