How can my kitten be so spunky a day after being spayed?
She's into her usual mayhem just 24 hours after having her lady parts removed, and 12 hours after her last dose of pain meds. I'm pretty sure this is typical for spayed kittens, so my question is: How is this possible? There MUST be post-surgical pain, discomfort when stretching muscles, etc. Why does she not appear to notice or care?
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It depends a great deal on the cat's personality. My three had totally different reactions. Claw got out the same night and spent an hour outside. I stayed up until I saw her inside again, so scared was I she would rip her stitches. Her daughters, Sandi ran straight for the window when I opened the carrier. I had to knock her off the sill, unfortunately. Then she went upstairs and hopped onto my bed and went to sleep. I figured okay, I guess the op isn't a big deal. But Ash stumbled around, almost falling, went under the bed and stayed there for two days. I had to put a bowl of water under there for her. She is a natural homebody, never going outside. The other two are outdoors mostly. Still, be watchful of your kitten. If she feels great she might do a bit much and harm herself. Good luck.
Some cats are just fine with surgery and the more active and playful they are the quicker they get back into the swing of things. Just watch the incision location to make sure it doesn't get chewed or scratched or sutures pulled out.