How to handle lame teens?
Last week a kid from a nearby high school sped down my street with his loud truck early in the morning. I heard a neighbor yell "slow down @$$h.o.l.e! I heard the truck turn around and come back so I went outside to support my neighbor who is an aging hippie. There I found several neighbors out. I approached the kid who was with friends. My neighbors followed. They told him enough was enough because he apparently does this several times every morning and this was his fifth round. We reminded him that this was a residential street and I told him we have children and pets. He got smart and I said "there are other ways to impress your friends; dangle your d!(k around or something." They laughed and one friend said "that ain't gon' impress nobody." So because humor was involved, I thought it was over. The kid said "ok" and although my neighbors were still fussing, it seemed finished.
After that they sped down the street again yelling "Rebel pride!" (Its like saying "white power". The kids like dressing like cowboys and several drive pickups.) Since then they've :
Grown in number
Hang out in the street
Dump trash many times and smile and wave at us
Made sexual comments to me
Scream and yell
Honk horns including a bicycle horn which lasted from 6-9am
Throw tobacco spit in my neighbor's driveway
Knocked on my neighbor's door and told him something would happen to him if he called the cops again
Threatened one of our cats with antifreeze
There's a man meets his daughter to walk her home and they said something inappropriate to her as they walked by. The man turned back and told them to watch what they say. Its awfully bold to me that they'd do that in front of the dad. I found my neighbor's cat dead by his driveway and he said he couldn't find any broken bones or anything except a little blood in her mouth.
Obviously they're not at all worried about us being adults. Calling the school hasn't worked nor has calling the police. Help.