Did Biden have one drink too many before the debate?

The last time I saw somebody acting like that, they ended up trying to pick a fight with everybody in the bar.


So Iris, you're saying that pathelogical liar with no impulse control was Joe Biden cold sober?


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No, and that's unkind and unfair. It’s well known that Joe Biden doesn't drink.

What makes this personal smear particularly tasteless is that due to a family history of alcoholism, Joe Biden doesn’t drink at all. In October 2008, The New York Times reported, “Senator Biden does not drink at all, and he is frank about the reason. ‘There are enough alcoholics in my family,’ he said last month as he sipped cranberry juice on a train ride from Washington to Wilmington.”

List of Teetotalers



it wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to punch him in the face.. To me it's crazy that someone can sit there and lie through his teeth and get away with it.. This country doesn't make sense.. Where has honesty gone...


And had he been in a bar, chances are very good that he would've been successful in picking a fight.


If he did then that means that he doesn't have to be sober to make Ryan look like a clueless little kid.


Ryan was the only one i saw drinkng.

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