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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Does anybody else think that Biden will destory Palin in the VP debates after watching the Gibson interview?

I don't know if it was the editing or the questioning but she sarah palin appeared way out of her league in this interview. She struggled to answer simple questions and sounded uneducated on some major issues. What the hell was she saying when she replied "you can see part of russia from alaska...?" what did that have to do with anything lol?

As an Obama supporter i was worried when they picked her because she seemed like a real threat to the democrats chances but after watching her here i'm feeling very confident again. They kept her hidden from the media for all this time and that's the best she could do regarding questions about the bush doctrine and pakistani soveriegnty?

I also thought that was cruel but funny when he asked her where she'd been overseas other than iraq "i've been to canada and mexico". lol.

Did this interview hurt palin's credibility?

Does she have a chance against Joe Biden in the VP debates?

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Few people doubt Bidens immense advantage in their first meeting. The man was "born" a double talking politician and he has the experinece to prove it. Palin is a fledgling just getting her feet wet in the BIG poltical arena and there's no doubt, Biden will NOT cut her any slack......but thats where you "people" need to watch your man.

    Bidens "ego" is almost as big as Obamas, not quite, but.........He will make a "slip" of the tongue ( especially if he's been drinking like usual before ) with her, that won't matter how hard he tries to escape it, will seal his and Obamas fate forever.

    Look at your VP choice and check his history. I would be VERY nervous with Biden......whereas Obama is a more skilled "snake oil salesman" and wouldn't make such a blunder.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Biden is an arrogant, egotistical ***. He will not be able to stop himself from doing something, or saying something that will insult Gov. Palin and turn off a lot of voters. She did fine in the interview and only Obama supporters think otherwise. Not many of you know what the Bush Doctrine is either. Palin is more qualified than the community organizer. I could never vote for a man that thinks there are 57 states and that willingly associated with a known terrorist let alone sit in a church week after week, year after year hearing the preacher condemn America with statement like "goddamn America"

  • 5 years ago

    The interview has no longer aired in this is entirety so her overall performance can't be desperate yet. additionally, if the media retains exhibiting bits and products of the interview in develop and then criticizing them heavily it makes me think of they try to grant individuals the impact she failed so we can't view the interview objectively whilst it does air in its entirety. For the checklist I even have not made a sparkling decision regarding any of those applicants, yet i'm transforming into truly disgusted with the media and how they are dealing with the coverage of this finished election. they have been somewhat unprofessional for my area. rather i'm hoping all the applicants do nicely for the period of the debates so as that i will make an purpose decision based on the matters and not on who's the renowned media character of the hour or who grew to become into the main relaxing, regardless of each little thing those are no longer concert activities. additionally, if Palin rather did no longer comprehend what the Bush doctrine grew to become into and asked for rationalization, this is a robust sign, a lot of human beings may be too egotistical to ask for any sort of help and wallow around in lack of information which facilitates no one. finally, that's a demonstration that she is extremely diverse from Bush and the Bush administration if she has no longer accompanied his doctrine adequate to even comprehend what that's.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Loose lips Biden, will be pulling his hair plugs out of his ***, when Sarah Palin gets through him. She will make him show America, that Obama really did make the wrong choice, and the Hillary was the right person for the job. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sarah Palin lived up to her new nickname - Caribou Barbie. She reminded me of that Miss Teen South Carolina answering that "super hard" question about why 1/5 of Americans cannot locate the U.S. on a map.

    Joe Biden.....Why do you get all the fun??? - I can't wait to see how horrible she does during the V.P. debate!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Palin has no chance in hell against Biden. I'm republican and I'm not even betting on Palin. Biden has to much experience in this area and he is a better speaker and he has a tendency to actually talk about the issues. Palin is just a cheerleader from what I have seen. I hope she can do something more but so far thats all I see

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Biden is your typical long winded, "me first" politician who puts his foot in his mouth consistently. The amount of character and substance Palin has compared to that sleavebag will be evident to all of America during the debates.

    Source(s): common sense
  • Tim S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think they will bail from any interview with Biden after last nights performance. Even if she was a good student she can't pack 20 years of experience in world events into a month or so.

    She seems a personable lady but hardly qualified, or from her responses, intellectually competent to be president. Another thing, does she have a very irritating voice?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is going to be a hard debate for both Biden doesn't want to come off to mean but Palin is going to have to know foreign policies That is going to be her biggest problem and any Rep knows it they might not want to admit it but she is weak on that front

  • 1 decade ago

    Palin doesn't have a chance against Biden. Biden is seasoned and experienced. McCain's camp should be ashamed of them selves for putting a self described "pit-bull with lipstick" as the VP choice. Country first my a%$. They put any woman up to try and sway Clinton supporters. They took the Clinton supporters as stupid women who will vote for anyone in a skirt. Well McCain will see who is really stupid when he and his "pit bull in lipstick" face Obama and Biden in debates. The Republicans never talk about issues they only talk about Obama, what's up with that???? I went to McCain's site because I am independent and wanted to see some of his ads and issues. It was disheartening to see 90% of his commercials had nothing to do with him or the issues they were all anti Obama.

    Biden should not hold back because she is "a pit bull in lipstick" and I think that's suppose to mean she is tough or crazy.

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