can a cat get STDs from its mother?

my cousin got a kitten from us like 4-5 months ago and he was 8 weeks old when she got him off us, and she said that he now has herpies and shes saying he got it from his mother ( that is my cat), so im just wondering could he of gotten it from his mother? My cat doesn't have STD, we took her and the kittens to the vet, and the vet didn't say anything about it, also if you are thinking this a joke questions its not, im being for real

J C2012-10-28T18:19:24Z

Favorite Answer

Feline herpes is not a STD - it's the same virus that causes cold sores in humans. And yes, it's generally passed from mom to the kittens. Most adult cats with herpes have a strong enough immune system to show no symptoms, but kittens do not. Probably your cat is a herpes carrier - many cats are. Tell your cousin to ask the vet about getting the kitten on l-lysine - it's very good at controlling the virus.




Feline herpes is only transferred from skin contact. The only time you can test for it is when they have the sores. There are some feline std's that like feline aids that can be transferred from mother to child but not all.