How to stop cats from fighting?

I have two cats. Daisy and Mitten. They both keep on fighting each time they come by each other. I don't really want to separate them in different rooms because both of them are now used where the litter box is. They already been with each other 2 years but that had never happened. Is there anything I can do?


Favorite Answer

Everytime they do it, have a spray bottle ready and spray them with it while sayin SSSSTT. They should listen after repetition of doin that. My cats used to and now they're good. Maybe try a lil catnip to get them playful towards each other too. Good luck


Are Daisy and Mitten spayed? If not this might help.
You might benefit by having two litter boxes as a rule of thumb is one litter box per cat and ideally one more than that.


They both Definitely need their own litter box, they'll be very territorial about that. Also, you can make loud noises whenever they fight so they know you don't like it. Are they spayed?