What is a vote for Obama revenge for?

Has Romney done something that requires revenge? Or has the western world done something to countries like Indonesia and Kenya and Muslims that requires revenge.

At this time Romney is simply a private citizen, running for president. There is nothing he can possibly do that a revenge vote is warranted.

Red neck2012-11-04T19:43:29Z

Favorite Answer

Obama says vote for revenge against Republicans, capitalists, conservative Christians, and the next day says he will work hand in hand with them.


The feeling is that Romney is for business and the wealthy to the exclusion of the ordinary guy.
That's the revenge to show the wealthy that we aren't all brow beaten into submission to get a low paying job and get looked down on.


If Bain Capital took away a person's job, they might vote in revenge against him.


Actually, he's lied to America.


Didn't you listen to the President at all?

Sure, we could tar and feather him, then run him out of the country on a rail, but that's a bit gauche.


What are you yammering on about. maybe I should watch Twenty Century Entertainment and catch up on the talk radio junk that is spewed out of that facade.

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