Isn't it strange that people in the richest city on the planet are still waiting on FEMA?

Why are their rich neighbors not helping them?


Krista, why don't you tell that to the people complaining that they have seen no assistance of any kind yet.


Krista, why don't you tell that to the people complaining that they have seen no assistance of any kind yet.


Tyler, how exactly do you waste a question on Y/A? Thats the dumbest schit I've heard in a while. Any question on Y/A is a waste. lol. I bet you are proud of your worthless points too. When it says you can't ask anymore questions, you just switch screen names and ask away.


FEMA is a joke just like any centrally planned departmental bureaucracy.

"FEMA and our national guard and the red cross are all there."

As of today, last I checked the storm happened a while ago. Currently they are touring the areas surveying the damage. Should have thing under control in another month or so at this rate.


Does FEMA service Hong Kong now?


Not strange at all. American society relies on government infrastructure to live their little suburbian lives. Need to eat? go to the grociery store, need heat? turn up the thermomter. Need water? turn on the tap. Well when the infrastructure fails like it has in NY, those who rely on the governement are the first to starve.

And they laugh and the preppers...


Maybe its BECAUSE they live in the richest city on the planet..

..actually that's not accurate either, the richest city would most definitely be Zurich.


Their rich neighbors would rather blow millions on Romney's campaign than to help the poor. Ironically it is the poor and middle class who help out their neighbors.

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