How to disassemble a CD drive?

I have a CD-R/RW drive, pulled from an eight year old desktop, with a CD stuck inside. Software eject didn't work; neither did the front panel eject button. The "paperclip-pinhole" release doesn't work, either. I'm thinking that the tray transport motor has failed, or the solenoid / spring assembly that clamps the CD to the drive motor is locked somehow.

I don't care about the drive; the whole computer is on the way to the scrap heap, anyway. But I would like to save the CD inside. So, I'd like to dismantle this thing as systematically as possible.

Getting the bottom off was simple: four machine screws. But pressing on the plastic "ears" doesn't seem to be releasing either the front bezel, or the whole assembly from the metal case.

It's a Sony CD-R/RW, Model CRX216E. Does anybody have any suggestions, or tips? Again, all I care about is saving the CD.


Favorite Answer

Usually the front panel can be removed depending on the model.

I came across similar situations and I succeeded in getting it out by removing the drive from it's slot.and turning it upside down ( so as to let the stuck cd drop ) then with the drive upside down attempt to open the the drive again via the pin hole. Sometimes the cd is twisted inside the drive and off it's tray and preventing the pin hole trick. I've succeeded many times this way when the upright position didn't work.

Fast 1991Turbo Syclone2012-11-27T06:30:34Z

I nothing works...It's time to buy a new PC...!