False heat - ready to strangle my cat!?

Daisy Faye is 9 months old. I had her spayed at 7 months. She had not gone into heat prior to that. She is by nature a very rambunctious kitty - hence the nickname "Crazy Daisy". For the last 4 days she has been over the edge nuts even by her standards. Meowing all the time, literally bouncing off the walls, cutting back flips trying to catch shadows, knocking stuff down, just being generally disruptive. She and my 13 month old Sallie Sue like to tussle and play together but in the last few days Daisy has been very aggressive towards Sallie. Sallie Sue out weighs her 2 to 1.

I love my girls and I am their humble human servant. They are strictly indoor girls. We make their food based on a recipe from a vet. They get premium littler and their boxes are scooped at least once a day and changed every 3 days. They get lots of play with feather sticks and laser pointers. Lots of brushing, petting and general affection.

OF course they are both spayed and vaccinated and both are adopted/rescued.

I have read about false heat in spayed cats where some small portion of the ovary may have been missed. Any one have any experience with that? Other than the raised tail and the back arching Daisy is acting like a cat in heat and driving me nuts!

I will be in contact with the vet in the morning. If the only alternative is additional surgery then I guess I will just have to suffer through her false heats. I won't put her through that again. Although I have a lifetime of experience with cats that does not include cats in heat because my pets are ALWAYS spayed/neutered. So how often will she go into false heat and how long does it last? Sigh - Daisy Faye is napping right now so I have a little break from her insanity. BTW she is the cutest, most adorable medium haired calico you have ever seen. She cracks me up with her "Who ME?" look.

Love my girls. Please share your experience.


Thanks for the link. I will be in contact with my vet in the am. Cutie Pie woke up from her nap and is once again bouncing off the walls! If the only solution is another surgery I will not do that to her. I am more concerned about frequency and duration. Thanks


Favorite Answer

Please don't strangle your cat (of course, you wont. Just kidding). My female Shepard (dog) went into first heat in the middle of a fruit market. After bloodying up the place the manager brought it to my attention and threw us out. I got her spayed shortly afterward.

I've left an interesting possible answer to your question from another website explaining why sometimes a cat will go into false labor though it is not at all conclusive.


I have a cat that was fixed as a kitten and a perfect cat until she hit puberty. She started spraying the walls and acting like a cat in heat. Our male cat (also fixed as a kitten) tried to help her out but I guess he didn't have all the functionality of intact males. The false heat is apparently a rare condition and exploratory surgery has minimal chance of solving the problem and could kill your cat-or so I've read. Out of desperation I let my cat start going outside (this can be very dangerous, but at the time I lived in the country). She came back two days later and slept forever then was back to her normal litter box trained self. From then on I just let her outside whenever she wanted.

Now I'm in town and soon moving-our cat cannot go outside (not safe). She just went into false heat and is being crazy! Our male cat still tries but is not equipped. I'm thinking about wrangling a male stray cat for a visit or else I once read that a vet tech can deal with her needs utilizing a q-tip (I'm so not gonna do that to my cat myself!). As this issue has not been a problem in a few years because my cat got to go outside multiple times a week I am very curious about how long the heat season will last too and if one round with a vet tech will be enough.


There's a big difference in heat cycles or even false heat cycles and normal energentic behavior. I seriously doubt she is in heat if spayed and she's just full of energy.

Try playing with her more with string/feather toys or a laser light.


False Heat