Don't you just ove how "fair and balanced" the liberal media is?

How far down did you have to read in this article before you found out the judge who is stepping down under allegations of ethics violations is a Democrat?

If this judge was a Republican, you wouldn't have to read past the first paragraph to find THAT out. In fact, how many times have we seen lame-stream liberal media organizations headline articles like this by saying something like "Republican Judge from Michigan Supreme Court to step down amid allegations of (fill in the blank)"?

If the offender is one of their own, they downplay it as much as possible or try to sweep it under the rug, but when it's someone from the other camp they make sure that person's political affiliation is IN YOUR FACE...

What does this tell you about the liberal media?


So-called "Colonel" Fessender, you obviously wouldn't know a fact if it bit you on the @$$. Who died and made you God?


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The better question is why does it matter which party a judge who is stepping down under allegations of ethics violations is part of. If we defend or condemn anyone's acts simply based on an R or D behind their name then we're not interested in the truth anyway. Politicians serve ALL of us and should be held accountable by ALL of us regardless of whether or not you voted for them. Partisanship is only a benefit to politicians because it grants boasting rights to a built-in support of half(ish) the People.

All media is biased. You get better ratings by telling people what they want to hear and basically confirm that they're right for wanting to hear that. Unfortunately this only breeds an uninformed group of people perpetuating lies or at best half-truths.

Try this: If the two sides are saying the same thing (i.e. Obama favors an assault weapons ban) then it's likely true. When both sides tell you what that will do (i.e. Left says it will end all crime and violence everywhere. Right says it will plunge us into chaos where gangs roam the streets killing everyone) then it's likely exaggerated and you have to use your common sense, values or research to form your own opinion on what that policy will actually do. If at any point they show a politician speaking then assume he\she is technically telling the truth but simultaneously lying and that the clip is taken out of context or chopped.


so which you think of all you notice on youtube is genuine.... this is why they should call you and Republicans for the difficulty...gullible. as for you factcheck source... solid activity... this is what it says... Q: Does the stimulus bill comprise a $5.2 billion payoff for ACORN? A: The bill does comprise money for which ACORN may well be eligible to compete - against hundreds of alternative communities. yet maximum is for a housing rehabilitation software ACORN says it never utilized for interior the previous and gained’t interior the destiny. With that reported... what's there to report....


There is no left-wing media in America. The American media is almost entirely right-wing. In fact, it is so right-wing people (like yourself) have no idea what a left-wing media would look like. Your confusion may arise partly from the fact you think the Democrats are a left-wing party. Despite a few modest suggestions to soften up the societal jungle, in the rest of the world, they're still pretty right-wing.

They do exist. They're rather small squeaky voice in the overwhelming, totalitarian discourse of the right. Do pick up Mother Jones, check our Alternet or Project Censored one of these days. THAT's the left wing media. (Which are happy when they can reach 2 percent of the public).

Everything else (pretty much) is right wing.


All of the media except Fox has a liberal slant. But the worst is msnbc and they don't even try to be anything but extreme liberal. At least Fox has lots of debates with liberals and they have liberal commentators such as Juan Williams. Funny thing is many liberals can't see how biased msnbc, cnn, abc,cbs,nbc, etc is. They are blind to think the media isn't liberal.


I go on the assumption that any organization that doesn't paint Democrats as puppy-kicking, baby-eating, and gay and Muslim loving terrorist traitors to America as biased for the liberals. Because that's what patriots do. FACT.

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