What was the last habit that you changed?

What helped you the most?

Donut Tim2013-01-10T18:47:14Z

Favorite Answer

It was a small thing.
I didn't want to reach through the steering wheel to pick up things on the ledge near the speedometer. That is dangerous if I needed to turn the wheel.
To stop, I did two things:

1. Decide to stop IMMEDIATELY when I catch myself doing it.
2. Either punish myself or do not accept a reward for wrong action. When I caught myself reaching through the wheel, even if the move was completed, I also reached around the wheel and made the correct motions - so I gained nothing by the wrong moves.

The habit was broken quite quickly.
My cousin taught me the two steps. He used it to stop biting his nails:
1. Stop immediately when he caught himself biting.
2. He carried nail clippers and Band-Aids for the duration of training. He clipped if necessary but he applied a Band-Aid every time (even when not needed) as punishment.
He also had rapid results. You can expect a tougher habit to take longer to break.


I changed biting my nails. Just take it day by day and then you wont even notice any more. Also i used getting a manicure for my excuse