Is it unusual for male cats to care for kittens?

I had a male cat (neutered) and he would care for kittens that we got from shelters. He would groom them and play with them and never did the leave the nest thing like females do and would play with them even in their adult years.


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Not unusual at all. I have a fixed male (he was done at about 5 months). Every new cat I bring in becomes his buddy, he grooms them, cuddles with them in bed, plays with them. Its fo freaking cute that I want to explode with how happy it makes me. Sounds like you have a lover cat like my little boy, and you should enjoy it. They are few and far between, so if you have one, love him for it :)


No. My mom's neutered male cat would do the same thing.. super cute! You're lucky.


Yes it is quite normal, your cat just has a kind heart. I had a cat like that once.


Awwwwwwwwww! IT'S JUST SO CUTE! I CAN'T STAND IT!!!!! *Brain explodes*

.... but yeah I think so. My male cats always ognored the kittens....