Consciousness can step outside the body, has yours stepped out?


Favorite Answer

The body is a creation of consciousness, more illusion than real.

It steps out every night.


It's more a matter of expanding to other possibilities, and perspectives.

Since most people are confined in the prison of dualism, expansion of consciousness alway has inside-outside connotations.

Those who are able to see from a more inclusive perspective don't have that problem, and resist consciousness expansion less, because they have no fear of loss.

The use of the greatest secret human power can aid in that process.


I've heard it said that "No conscious man can harm anyone"

Two of the 4 Veda's, dated 1500 BCE translated from Sanskrit as a transliteration by Ramana Maharshi “Tat Tvam Asi” in English is “That Thou Art”, and Prajnanam Brahma (Consciousness is Brahman)
Over 1500 years later Jesus say's, “I and My Farther are One”.
Also Luke 17-21 The kingdom of God within you.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein

In Hinuism - Sat Chit Ananda – is Truth Consciousness Bliss

In the Zohar, the greatest kabbalistic work, the Torah is interpreted in reference to the Sefirot - They are Keter (Crown) proximity to the divine super-conscious of the soul.