Isn't it great that the president thinks it's important to take advice?

from children on how to run the country?

It's not bad enough that we have a bunch of geriatric, senile old bastards in the senate. Let's take advice from eight year olds. Oh how cute. The bad part is he takes them seriously.


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Well he had the mini me at the signing of Obamacare, so apparently it is important that he get positive reinforcement from kids.

Perhaps Obama will start signing his EO's by crayon rather than elite Mont Blanc pen.


Yeah, "taking advice" from brainwashed window dressing, pull the cord and it says what you want it to say.


That was silly acting as if children give sage advice.


The President is playing us like a fiddle, wake up.


I think obama's use of children as political props is despicable.

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