Just wondering about morality?

If Jesus appeared today or tomorrow would he be pleased or infuriated about what is going on today?


Favorite Answer

If Jesus arrived, it would be Revelation. Yes, it would mean most of the world was immoral.


All goodness(moral standards) come from God as outlined in the Word of God.
Jesus knows everything that is going on. He is waiting for more people to be saved, then he will appear. He hates the sin but loves the sinner and wants all to be saved. But all people have free will to choose Him or reject Him. It breaks his heart that so many reject Him.


This is a time of accerated sin. Check out the 10 secrets of the Mejugorie Visionaries.


If Jesus would appear on earth He would probably be Broken hearted same as He is seeing it from Heaven.

What we might ask ourselves is what are we doing about our part in it and is it the same as we should be doing?


Why would Jesus have to appear when all he supposedly has to do is look down? You do not know much about the fictional character called Jesus.

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