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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

is it any wonder why abortion rates are so high with stupid laws like bush's 'morality clause'?

that allows pharmacists to play morality police and refuse to fill birth control prescriptions? yeah, you can say 'oh the woman can just go to another pharmacy', but what about when there is no other pharmacy in town and the woman doesn't have a car? seriously, if health care 'professionals can't keep their religion out of their job shouldn't they find another line of work?


buddy -there might not be as many abortions if people's access to birth control wasn't interfered with.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Laws that outlaw abortion and laws that increase pregnancy rates and maternal mortality rates are almost always supported by the same groups. Since the whole anti-abortion thing is not Biblical, but rather a man-made thing, this contradiction is ignored. What about Bush's mandate that countries who give abortion counseling to women cannot receive funds for their clinics? This increases unwanted pregnancies and increases maternal death rates and goes against free speech. But it is supposedly "moral" because it is supposedly "pro-life".

    edit - The "Gag Rule", that's the name of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    BLAME the president and the pharmacists for women having abortions? A huge leap don't you think. Before His morality clause came in there were still 4,000 abortions a day. Birth control does not always keep a woman from getting pregnant. Don't blame someone else for the choice of the woman.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You saying this bill bans birth control is pure speculation on your part, It says it COULD potentially lead to that, Which is them and you speculating to rally support against it, The word pharmacy is no where to be found in this entire article, This bill primarily bans abortion just like it should. This is another clear cut circumstance where liberals are trying to manipulate what's being said into something it's NOT saying to benefit their agenda and rally support for abortion and against Bush and standing for what's right. Murdering a baby is not a choice, It's an absolute atrocity ! God bless ! & Merry CHRISTmas !

  • 1 decade ago

    It certainly adds to it. And the christian parents who make their teens feel bad for asking for birth control don't help either. I cannot understand how birth control is so immoral....

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  • 1 decade ago

    Please, businesses need to have the right to sell or not sell whatever, this is a free market economy. Once the government starts forcing companies to sell certain products you have officially reached Communism.

    And if people can't get birth control maybe they could, god forbid, practice abstinence. No, that would mean personal responsibility for your actions, we can't have that now can we.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personally, anything that has Bush's name on it, I care less about.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, you don't have a right to demand that others sin. You may love to sin but others love God.

    People commit abortion because they don't value human life. They would rather murder their baby than have their lifestyle cramped.

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