Do we NOW have proof that Yahoo News has a liberal bias?

Read this entire article. Now read it again. Do you find ANY mention in this article that former mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is a DEMOCRAT? When a Republican steps out of line, Yahoo News lists the alleged offender's party affiliation in the byline (as in "Former Republican Mayor of Wherever Convicted of Whatever") and usually in the first paragraph in the story. But now they have to cover a story involving a Federal conviction of a liberal, and since they can't sweep the story under the rug because it's too big they make no mention of his political affiliation?!?!!

I'll have to check ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and NPR to see if they're doing the same thing...

P.S.: For those of you poised and ready to bash FOX News, save it -- Kwame's party affiliation is not in the byline, and you have to read through nine paragraphs before you see a mention that Kwame is a Democrat.

Grand Prix2013-03-12T10:07:16Z

Favorite Answer

The main reason it is not of great importance is he is the 'former' mayor. But it should have been there at the top in the Fox and this story, well in all stories.

If he was still in office it better be right after the first mention of his name. That is the right way to do it. But it is odd in the U.S. that 96% of the bad people in office are of that one party, the law breakers anyway.


1: Why does it matter to the story that Kwame is a Democrat? In fact, if you read any story about a city's mayor, the media almost never mentions if the mayor is a Democrat OR Republican. Again, what's the importance to the story?

2: You are aware that with few exceptions, Yahoo doesn't actually write any of its articles. It simply copy & pastes press releases.

3: If even FOX News goes on for 9 paragraphs before mentioning Kwame's party affiliation, doesn't that just reinforce the idea that this fact just isn't very pertinent to the story? You do know how journalism is supposed to work, right? You put the biggest most important facts at the top, and piddly details at the bottom. Most people probably didn't even read half of the article before moving on because they got all the information they needed from it already.


In this particular case, I'm wondering if the reason the party affiliation was not mentioned (and mentioned in paragraph 10 of the Fox report) was simply: when was the last time (if ever) a Detroit mayor was NOT a Democrat?


Yahoo is a big Obama donor FACT


Show one actual example of a news story where a Republican mayor is convicted of something and the headline contains the word Republican? Oh, you're a conservative, you don't need no stinkin' facts.

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