What should I study in college?

I'm only in 10th grade but our school pushes us to think ahead and all that crap... But anyways I was wondering what you guys can tell me what I should focus on just by my interests:

I'm into history, any type of history. I honestly don't know why, it's just interesting. I also like studying why people act the way they do, so I guess psychology is a big thing I'm into. I also like astronomy and photography. Astronomy I like is also "I just find it interesting" and photography I guess everyone is into these days, but I don't go and call my self a photographer cause I have a Instagram.

So ya that's what I like, sorry if this is long. I'm just sitting here worrying and freaking out cause I really have no talents or interests in things that much..


Favorite Answer

My first thought upon reading that is that you should major in History and minor in Psychology. But that's just from reading a paragraph about you, so I can't really say.
My best advice is to think about what you think you might want to have as a future career. That's how I chose my majors, I decided I wanted to teach, and everything fell into place. But this does NOT have to be the complete basis of what you study in school! Don't limit yourself!
And remember, in college, you will always have opportunities to take a couple classes purely because you are interested in them and not because they are required for your major. If you major in History and minor in Psych, you can always take a Photography class on the side (actually that would probably count as a core credit, under the creative arts section).


Well, unless you like science and physics a lot Astronomy should be a hobby.

If you'd like being a teacher or a historian history is fine. Could also major in it pre-law.

Psychology is fine if you want to go to graduate school and eventually become a therapist or a researcher or a psychologist. If not you'll be doing social work which is low pay and hard work, but rewarding in a I do good sort of way.


LOL well I am not in school but I have learned to relax and enjoy life as I do the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Glad you are studying to be someone great at University! (((Man in Blue))))