What generally happens at a National Honor Society Induction Ceremony?
I have just been elected to NHS, and I want to know the general procedure of the ceremony.
I have just been elected to NHS, and I want to know the general procedure of the ceremony.
Favorite Answer
I have Spanish National Honor Society tomorrow, I don't know if Nation Honor Society is the same, but this is what we're doing. We have to wear nice attire, and we get in the line in alphabetical order and theycall us one by one and when we get there we walk across the stage, the president hands us our certificate, they take our picture, then we pick up our badge and we walk back to our seat.
Parasite: Exposing The Steelspiracy Since 2015
Clearly you're abilities are too much for Yahoo! Answers, unfortunately I don't know either.
K-Dawg Spartans Fan
I have no idea, but I felt bad that you had no answers.