Type of cat food for 7 and 6 year old cats?

Hi, I have a cat who is about to turn 7, and when he does, my other one will be 6 -- just wondering, they have a 'mature adult' cat food for cats over 7, should I start feeding them both this one or wait until they're both over 7?

They free-feed from the same bowl, and it's difficult if not impossible to feed them separately...



Favorite Answer

Personally I would not be free feeding any adult cat. They should be on scheduled meals - one dry and one canned each day. I don't worry about "senior" foods till they are going into their teens.


Most cat food companies market to cat owners to make you feel like you should be giving your feline a balanced diet of whole grains, meat and plants based foods. This, however, is not true. Your cat needs a grain free food. Their bodies aren't meant for metabolizing plant proteins. Also you want to make sure the ingredients listed don't contain "by product" or "meal" after them. The FDA doesn't really monitor pet food so it's important you do.

I started feeding my cats California Natural - Grain Free and noticed they threw up less and seemed healthier.



You have done so well with the 2 cats so just continue to do what you have always done, same feed and plenty of fresh water. Your cats are not elderly just wait until they reach the double figures like my two, they are both 18 years of age, and I managed to have one live to be 24 years of age so your 2 are in their prime.
It makes such a pleasant change to read a question from a great cat owner.


feed them Purina. That food brand has food for any age over 1