I broke my big toe a week ago?

I broke my big toe about 6 days ago. I feel like I can wear normal shoes now, but the doctor said I should wear a hard sole shoe for at least 4 weeks. Can I wear regular shoes if I can handle the pain? What could happen if I don't wear the shoe the doctor gave me?


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It's not about "handling the pain," it's about recovering. Even if you're able to handle it without wearing a hard sole doesn't mean it will get better without one. Listen to your doctor. After you've been wearing it for 3 weeks, if it feels totally better, go to your doctor and ask if you can go back to normal shoes. If you don't wear the hard sole shoe, your toe could potentially not heal correctly and could bother you for the rest of your life.

Creepy Foot Doctor2013-06-10T18:40:53Z

In theory your fracture may not heel as quickly and go on to non union if you do not wear hard soled shoes. But in reality the chance of that happening are slim


Do what the DR tells you. If you don't they may not heal right and you will be in pain for the rest of your life. Better to be safe than sorry.