My life is falling apart? (long post, 10 points for good advice?)?

This time last year I was a happy, 18 year old lad. I was having fun, sexual active.. My mind was free.

One year later, I'm suffering from depression, social anxiety, erectile dysfunction.. I suffer from a rare sweat condition called hyperhidrosis. I truley hate my life... I'm unemployed, can't seem to do anything right.. Smoke weed heavily. I have no self esteem, no self worth... Borderline self loathe. Can't accept the fact I can't have sex anymore.. I felt like I'm being punished.

What can I do? I'm at the lowest point in my life... I've felt LOW too... I hate my life a lot. I just wish I could turn back time. I don't even feel like I'm alive anymore


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I'm going to answer even though, many people have attempted to answer. The question I'm going to ask is have you been treated for anything for your depression and anxiety. Erectile dysfunction and hyperhidrosis both have been correlated to underlying anxiety conditions. You need an antidepressant, that is also indicated for use with general anxiety disorder. You are self-medication big time with marijuana and this will only make you worse or cause memory issues, and in severe cases possibly psychosis in people with mental health issues. The Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) are typically used as the first choice of medications to address Anxiety Disorders. Brands include Celexa, Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft. Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil have been approved by the FDA for a wide range of Anxiety Disorders. Other SSRI’s work only on selected Anxiety Disorders. Antidepressants all work because they affect serotonin, an important neurotransmitter in the brain that acts as a chemical messenger. They were first developed for depression, and later were found to be effective for treating most types of Anxiety Disorders, too. And erectile dysfunction is treatable if it doesn't go away on its own when your anxiety is in check. Impotence is absolutely a symptom of anxiety. The cause of sexual dysfunction in men can be incredibly difficult to diagnose, so if you're concerned you do need to talk to a doctor. Yet anxiety especially severe anxiety can cause a host of different issues that affect your libido, and impotence is one of them. The relationship that anxiety has to impotence is a complicated one, because each person experiences the effects of anxiety differently. Some people experience the opposite: premature ejaculation, where the man climaxes too quickly as a result of anxiety. Some men experience both. Some men are not affected by anxiety at all. You should also rule out any physical causes of this and believe me the marijuana is not helping you, only hurting you in the short run, but you can continue to smoke it until you seek treatment, if you feel that it is absolutely necessary. What medications are you on for mental health issues if any? Anxiety is often an overwhelming condition, and when the mind is overwhelmed it can do some very unusual things. One of these is known as depersonalization, which is a symptom of anxiety that often fuels more anxiety and more depersonalization. Depersonalization is when your mind feels divorced from your own sense of self. It's when you are essentially overly self-aware to the point of feeling as though you're not in your own body. It's a consciousness that makes it feel like you're floating outside of yourself and that your actions are not your own. Depersonalization is a common symptom of panic disorder, and may occur with other anxiety disorders as well. Depersonalization can actually be its own disorder, or a symptom of depression, drug abuse, and even anxiety drugs. But it's also a very common symptom of severe stress and anxiety, most notably during panic attacks. If left untreated, anxiety disorders can have severe consequences. For example, some people who suffer from recurring panic attacks avoid any situation that they fear may trigger an attack. Such avoidance behavior may create problems by conflicting with job requirements, family obligations or other basic activities of daily living. People who suffer from an untreated anxiety disorder often also suffer from other psychological disorders, such as depression (this is happening with you), and they have a greater tendency to abuse alcohol and other drugs (the marijuana). Their relationships with family members, friends and coworkers may become very strained. And their job performance may decline. So I urge you to get help. Make an appointment with a psychiatrist. I will also like to leave you with this bit of information. Marijuana will ease your symtoms but it will cause cognitive symptoms and can in fact induce other psychiatric issues, like I mentioned before even psychosis in severe cases. It is definitely not the best way to self medication yourself. What country are you in because some of the antidepressants I mentioned above may be named differently in countries such as Australia or the UK.


I was in the same place about a year ago, I'm 19. But with me, I smoked weed alot. I have imperfections that brought down my self esteem and people would make fun of me for having stretch marks, not from being fat, quite the opposite. I grew too fast and worked out alot so my skin expanded before it was ready. I also used to have bad acne. Now my face is clear. But let me give you some advice. Weed is nice and all. But if I were you, only smoke once on the weekend. And keep yourself active. I noticed when I was smoking everyday I became very lazy and unmotivated and it sucked. I also lost a great deal of my friends that I grew up with. Because of dumb stuff. I only have 2 friends now but they are much better people than the ones I thought were y friends. And sex isn't everything. I've had my fair share of sex and it gets less and less fun each time.

Also there's medication for that. So don't worry. Honestly I feel like you're really stressed. You need to relax. Do something during the week. Either get a full time
Job, or workout everyday or go hiking. No joke- I started hiking and I really enjoy it. Or read or anything. Whatever your interests are.

Anyways besides that, it may be helpful if you start taking Lexapro. It's for depression and anxiety, it helps you feel more motivated.


Do you play a sport? If not, why not take up a sport? It can be anything, really. Just get out an exercise. It's good for your body and mind and exercising releases endorphins into the brain that literally makes you feel good.

And if your condition makes you unable to exercise (i've never heard of it so idk what the effects/limitations are) why not take up a hobby? Painting, drawing, writing, and reading can really help release your emotions and help you find an outlet. Just finding a release for your emotions will help you feel better. Keeping it bottled inside (which I figure is happening because it sounds like your really going through a lot and not doing much to cope with it) won't make you feel better. Maybe start playing an instrument? It can be anything, just find a hobby you like and I think you'll find that you feel a lot better.

Hope I helped :)


Cut out the weed. It plays havoc with your mind and body. It induces paranoia, sexual dysfunction, low self esteem, and destroys health and well being. The highs are not worth the lows. Bin it.


Ejaculation can be considered premature when it occurs 30 seconds to 4 minutes into sex, depending on different cultures, countries and experts. Behavioural techniques can help you delay orgasm. Learn here
These include the start-and-stop method and the squeeze technique. A combination of these techniques along with sexual counselling and medication (either using an anaesthetic cream or an oral tablet) is recommended.

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