Why is this channel so popular (not my channel by the way)?

This is not my channel BTW. Look at the views here:
So far as i can see, this person makes videos which are far too long, aims his poor quality camera in random directions, doesn't frame properly, doesn't even stay in shot, doesn't script, doesn't plan, nothing. And yet, whereas my meticulously planned, focussed, scripted, clear, carefully framed, short, tentpoled, annotated videos get maybe ten views a month, his gets loads, And you're damn' right if i come across as envious, annoyed and resentful! Anyway, what's he doing right? I don't get it.


Favorite Answer

He may not be doing anything right but the people who haven't viewed it dont know that. They click on it with hopes of good quality but those are false hopes. I made a 3 minute video of my dog sitting and shaking and got 5,000 views


Well his videos dont have alot of views but he does have over 600 vids. Alot of them titled with sexual words so maybe people find him on you tube by looking up those words or what not. I think he just uploaded so many videos so it's very easy to come across his channel. Also by putting up his link he is getting many more views. btw haha


Are you saying 19 subscribers is popular? Well, it's not. My friend has 30+ subscribers just from asking his friends to.

Ashley Wiggin2013-07-11T13:38:44Z

Mind checking out my channel? :)
and feel free to subscribe if you want!