How To Handle This Situation?

Guy & Girl getting divorced. She filed. She wanted to keep the van that was in Guys name. He purchased the 2013 Toyota Sienna before they married. Her attorney put in divorce papers that Girl wanted van. Girl couldn't qualify to take out a new loan & have the van put in her name. She has refused now for months to turn over the van. On June 24th she wrecked it by hitting a parked car. She gave the Guy's address as her address (a lie). Gave them ins. info which turns out she didn't keep up on the ins. payments (another lie). The mans ins. stated that "the driver is the responsible one." Now she has hidden the van. Says that Guy has had it all this time (still another lie). Guy is going to report her for auto theft. Can she be placed in jail to be made to tell where & what she has done with this van? Thanks for your time!


Both answers were very lame. Boo to the both of you :/

Michael E2013-07-21T11:12:57Z

Favorite Answer

Who are you concerned about?
Are you wondering what injured person should do to get their wrecked car paid for. Sue both the guy and the girl and all the insurance companies.

Are you wondering how the guy is going to get his van back. Nobody is ever "put in jail until they tell...."

You also failed to mention the state of their divorce. Is it final? Was the disposition of the van mentioned in the final papers.

The guy owns the van, he is responsible for fixing the wrecked parked car. He might, later, be able to sue the girl for causing that expense, but if they are still married..., but if they are legaly separated ....

Dan H2013-07-21T18:42:25Z

He should never have turned the van over to her until his loan was paid. That was mistake #1 and really the only one that matters.

Since he is the owner of record and was required both by the bank and by state registration rules to maintain insurance on the van, he is ultimately responsible for the damage.

Yes, he can sue her, but that's a losing hole.

He should consult an attorney before he does anything else, including reporting the van stolen.