Who have you had to forgive and how did you do it?
I am still working on a couple things myself.
I am still working on a couple things myself.
Chuck Poland
Favorite Answer
I have forgiven my earthly father for not being there most of my life, but I prayed to god that he will help me forgive him and so I did but my church really helped me through a lot of unforgiveness but anything is possible for he who believes :) so just read your bible about forgiving and take notes on it
Kevin R
Another thought provoker. I think I've needed forgiveness from everyone in my life. Not so much in broken promises, but in separation. Time away from loved ones is irreplaceable, as time is the only unrecoverable asset. I ask forgiveness. That's all I can do. It's up to the requestee to grant it. The hardest person to forgive is self.!