Is our President really like Trayvon Martin?

Or is he more like Al Sharpton?


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@smoking joe

how bout the fact that zimmerman had a broken nose, blood gushing out of the back of his head, and his skin on the pavement. you think he did that to himself? martin, besides the bullet wound showed no signs of a physical altercation. he was trained in mixed martial arts, and had stolen jewelry found in his locker. dont listen to the lying media.


He claimed he was, that's good enough for me to hear it from the man's mouth. Last time I remember him telling the truth was "I, Barack Hussein Obama...", everything after that, including upholding the constitution, was a big fat ugly lie.

During his youth he wore an afro, had his eyes squinted all the time and had a cigarette dangling from his lips half the time, no wonder people would lock their doors when they saw him around.


Aside from the 30+ year age difference, he sesm to have similar views as BOTH trayvon and al sharpton.

-> believes in affirmative action,
-> hates america and american values,
-> is a buffoonocrat,
-> supports radical agendas


because of the fact Obama hated his mom and grandmother who have been white and because he went to a church that believes white anybody is oppressors for that reason Oboma hates white human beings till they're communist or Muslims.


more like Sharpton. and who ordained Jackson and Sharpton ? Guess some folks dont need a church to say they can be ordained

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