Can't even SEE attachments sent to me in Yahoo Mail?

All of a sudden when someone sends an attachment (simple Word doc) I can't even SEE that I have an attachment, leave alone open it. I even sent a .doc and a .jpg to myself to test it and still couldn't see them.

I'm using Windows 7, Chrome and Yahoo Mail (latest version, but it's not that new...) with Microsoft Security Essentials. I've made no changes recently. What's the problem? Is it me or Yahoo Mail? Thanks in advance for your answers.


Favorite Answer

This could be a browser linkage problem. Sometimes Browser
aren't configured to recognize or formatted to certain links.
It can also depend on protective software installed
that won't recognize link.(like pop up blockers)
The link could be misread as a threat. Try turning pop up blocker
off under "internet options" at the top right.
If this is a recent issue, it could be one of the glitches
connected with Yahoo's reconfiguration of its communication and
mail system.
There's a Yahoo troubleshooting number you can call
and get answers in a chat format. It's 800-318-6612.
If you subscribe to a PC maintenance company, like ATT ConnecTech
they can take remote control of your computer and pin down problems.
Good luck.