How do i delete Windows Vista Optional Updates without installing?

i have Windows Vista.
i do not have the Bing Bar 7.2 or Bing Desktop v1.3...not that i know of anyway.
i dont want either of them installed.
everytime i go to Windows Update, these 2 "Optional Updates" keep showing up.
ive just been ignoring them and not installing them....
i have a flickr of my update list if that helps

how do i get them off the list without downloading?


Thanks Caliban and tumbleweed_biff
i must have already known this, because i now have 3 Bing Desktops and now the 1 Bing Bar hidden.
what a bummer


Favorite Answer

I know your frustration. Unfortunately, you will have to "hide" the Bing crap every time Microsoft releases an update. Even though you hide it, they try to shove it onto you each time they make a change to Bing.


Thank you Caliban!


Highlight the update and right click
click on Hide Update