You know the skeptics will use any trick in the book no matter how irrelevant to make a case against AGW Some dumb *** didn't take into account the actual conditions and got stuck Now Sage wants to use a pic of the vessel as the AGW poster child and OttMike is crying over who will pay for the rescue
Too bad skeptics have no science to back them up so they just waste peoples time with BS TY for linking to a real article
According the AGW theory it was never supposed to be stuck at all. The ice was suppose to have been melted and they were supposed to use that as propaganda to promote AGW theories. It appears mother nature just slapped these religious AGW cultists in the face yet again with reality. But then again this is what happens when religious AGW cultists believe what they put in line graphs on paper more than what's actually going on in the real world.
I noticed it. What difference does it make? They got stuck in the summer time for down there. and with all this "The Earth has a fever!" business. Ha! Ha!
Defending them only makes you look just as stupid as they are.
'C': "Too bad skeptics have no science to back them up" How many skeptics were on that boat? That really is all the science you need.
However, here is a bit of science that backs me up.
The earth has cooled for over a decade. (17 years according the the latest IPCC report). All during that time the CO2 level has increased. Scientific FACT: CO2 does not control the Earth's temperature. Now there is the indisputable science that backs me up. I will accept your apology for your misstatement.
Who said it "failed"? It was just a sight-seeing tour. There was no science to speak of. The mission was to show the effects of global warming. They stated that. The conclusion of the chief--and I'm not making this up--is that global warming caused all that ice.