How does paypal work?

Hello i'm interested in buying some items through Ebay, so i wanna now, how exactly does paypal work? I already activated my account on both websites ,but yeah that's it. I'm using a debit card, do i have to deposit money on paypal and then afterwards it is sent to the buyer or can i just buy something on ebay, and paypal subtracts it from my card? any other useful info is good :)


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2 ways
1 - you can take money out of your bank account (since its your debit card) and put it in your PayPal account (its in the PayPal website. Under transef I think) then pay it
2 - you can pay using PayPal if you have no money in PayPal account. It will automatically take it out of your bank account

(up to 3 working days required to switch money or take out)


no you dont have to deposit money on paypal.Lets say you have $100, and u buy something on ebay that costs $5, and the next day if u check ur bank account ur gonna have $95, yeah