Marketing Survey: On a Roll For Toilet Paper?
Dear Participants,
As part of a marketing survey assignment, I am to choose the product of my choice --in this case it's toilet paper-- and publicly conduct the questionnaire it to my target market.
I would greatly appreciate your participation in its taking and I need 8-10 people to help me.
Thank you for your time and helping me with my class marketing assignment
It is 20 questions and are very brief yes and no answers, multiple choice, and rank in order of preference. It doesn't take to long.
1. What name brand of toilet paper do you use most often? ___________________________________________
2. What secondary name brand of toilet paper have you used? _______________________________________
3. How many people live with you? __________________
4. On average, how many rolls of toilet paper do you/ your household use in a week? (Circle One) A. 1-3 B. 3-5 C. 5-7 D. 7-or more
5. Is the more than one bathroom in your home?
___Yes No___
6. Where (name of store) do you purchase toilet paper? _____________________________
7. Is the store based on the price of the product or convenience of location? __________________________________________________
8. In what quantity of rolls do you purchase toilet paper?
___ 6 roll count
___12 roll count
___24 roll count
___36 roll count
___Mega rolls
__Other (explain)____________________________________________________________________
9. From the list below, put into order of importance with 1 being the most important and 6 being the least important.
____Comfort of use
10. What brands of toilet paper have you or someone in your household purchased in the past three months? (check all that apply)
__Angel Soft
__Quilted Northern
__Other _________________________________________________________________
11. What do you like most about the brand of toilet paper you use? _________________________________________________________________________________
12. What do you like least about the brand of toilet paper you use? __________________________________________________________________________
13. Are you or anyone in your household allergic or sensitive to perfumed, scented or dyes in toilet paper?
14. Are there other ways that you use toilet paper? For instance blowing nose or wiping child’s nose or make-up removal? Please explain…
15. What is your gender?
__M __F
What is your age?
__70 and over
16 What is your level of education?
___High School Diploma or GED
____Some College
____Trade School or other
17 What is your race? (Mark one or more)
____African American
____Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
18. Do you rent or own your home?
___Rent to own
19. What is your annual income?
___ 20,000 or below
___$21,000- $30, 000
___$81,000 and up
20. What is your marital status?
__In a civil union
Disclaimer: All data gathered is strictly confidential and is not used for other intent or purposes other than for marketing class survey. Do not include your personal information (Name, Address , etc)