Christians, no matter what evidence presents itself, will you always remain a Christian?

Will you admit that it really doesn't matter what is said here, you will always keep your beliefs?

As an atheist, I have always kept an open mind about these things. I will regain my faith if peer reviewed evidence presents itself.

Casey sharp2014-02-09T05:05:50Z

I'll give you a good answer. I will stay Christian however but hear what I have to say. I don't believe the bible is correct. I believe there was truth in it then one person had to go and mess it all up. I'm not going to let what someone said in the bible prevent me from believing. I just don't believe in the earth being made 5000 years ago or talking snakes or a giant flood. None of that means God exists or doesn't exist. It seems if I tell people I'm a Christian, they automatically think I believe in that stuff. Once you put all that stuff aside you might really have a case that God exists. If you say no to that, what makes you think you can look under a microscope and say God does not exist? I've been open minded. I haven't even tried to believe the bible. I found my own way of knowing because I have been in this subject deeply for two years. All it really comes down to is whether or not you believe, you don't really have proof God does not exist. Honestly though if I tried I could make a believer out of you no doubt trust me. Evolution does not automatically mean God does not exist. Once you know that you won't be blind anymore. If right now you were to believe that, as soon as I say I got proof you're just going to say nope evolution. Well here's something for you to think about. I might go on more than want to but still. If you are part of the universe and you can think, what if the universe could think too? how did your eyes and ears develop to hear and see light and sound if they did not know what light or sound looked or sounded like? Are you going to tell me an eye did something random but happened to be able to see light? Listen to what I am about to tell you, something in the universe is intelligent. The signs are everywhere like twins that somehow know what happens to each other or cell memory or atoms that know when they are being watched. Changing the subject a little, chance does not happen. When you flip a coin there is not a fifty fifty chance of landing on either side because whatever side it lands on there was no chance of it landing on the other in the moment of time. I could tell you about this stuff all day. No matter what you believe destiny is real. You can't change the future, you can't change the past. Time does not exist, the present moves into the past, it also moves into the future. What does that mean? I don't have a problem with evolution so don't get me wrong when I say this. Whether or not evolution happens I believe in God so I am not trying to knock it but it doesn't happen. There might be a million reasons why and I can give you the biggest but I'm not interested in that so I'll just let you know one. First it was thought to be done by natural selection. But then it couldn't explain where the new information came from so mutation was added. So why do evolutionists believe when one species moves to another totally different environment the species evolves to survive in that environment? That wouldn't be random or natural selection. If it's neither of those, ...something in the universe is intelligent.


We all need credible evidence. Having come out of a cult, I personally have no interest in maintaining a belief that doesn't align in the least with actual, no kidding evidence. Been there, done that.

I found Josh McDowell's book "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" helpful in establishing a fact-base for Christian beliefs. Good place to start.

Old Man Dirt2014-02-08T15:27:51Z

Peer reviewed means you will always be an atheist, because atheists are your peers!
It is hard to change a way of life that is built around doing what is honorable in any society! To ask me to give up something that says being a responsible citizen and a honorable person is what you are asking me to do (change my core belief structure)-
I will not change trying to live this scripture:
When you can prove to me this is not a worthwhile pursuit- I might consider changing my belief structure.
"Love the Lord you God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself"
Being a Christian dictates following the teachings of Christ and no one can fault the teachings of Jesus the Christ!

James K2014-02-08T11:41:25Z

That was Ken Ham's assertion in that alleged debate the other day with Bill Nye, and the takeaway argument from it. When Nye directly asked Ham if he would refute incontrovertible evidence, Ham fell back on faith.

Ham so eloquently upheld the creationist position that even Rev. Pat Robertson argued that he was making creationists look like idiots. You have to go a long way into disbelieveablility if Robertson tells you that you are an idiot.


Is it my day to be the pot or the kettle? Can you prove Big Bang or is it still a theory? Can you show me the peer reviewed proof of singularity theory? Or are you still holding on to your belief that all of the matter that has ever and will ever exist was once contained in a subatomic particle? I, myself, find the young earth theory espoused by Ham to be hard to believe. So I don't teach it or rely on it in discussion. But just because some scientist represents a theory or a tangent of a theory that is a little beyond the scope of your belief are you willing to throw out all of science? Ken Ham doesn't represent all creationists any more than Bill Nye represents all scientists. Every so often science redoes the earth timeline but I imagine you don't decide science must be wrong and return to your faith when this happens. Why does someone believing something bother you so much? Did Ham call you names or something? He believes, you don't. Is the vitriol necessary?

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