Conservative Christians, if America became Ultra-Liberal/Progressive, would you move to another country?

If all of your worst fears about America came true (your worst), Would you move and if so,
Where would you move to?


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Yes, Mexico

G C2014-03-06T15:05:34Z

First, my job is to stand for God against evil, not run from it.

Second, America will fall if it becomes liberal and where else is there to go where a nation has such laws as this one started with? How sad what people have done to this great nation!


Money is the root of all evil, but apparently tons of people, no doubt the majority Christian, move to my state of Texas from liberal places every year to keep from repaying the very system that educated them in the first place. The only reason liberal states aren't growing as fast is because businesses don't want to pay back into the system that made them successful...


No. Christians have always faced the music. There is no where we can run to, except in the arms of God. Christianity was watered by the blood of the martyrs, who stood up to the evil processes, that came about since the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.


yes. Other cities in the U.S. and other countries have showed time and time again that liberal and progressive strategies dont work and turn the area under its control into a dump

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