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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Left-wingers, why don't you move out of America and go to another country?

I'm tired of you socialists crying aobut how "America is the only industrialized country without universal health care"

Why don't you just get out? This is a right-wing Christian country, as envisioned by our founding fathers. Get out if you don't like it.

I'm sick of you socialists with your gay marriage, abortion, diversity, universal health care, pacifism, and other anti-American values.

43 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We run this country. You southern fundamentalists took over the republican party, but all you have now is a permanent minority party. You had your chance running things and you made a horrible mess.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a diversified society. 250 years ago, where you are mentally, the country was Christian because the Founders came from England and were Protestant. This is a melting pot, not only Christian, but a little of everything. Anti-Americanism means you don't accept anyone who is different from you because this is a democracy. If you want to go back to 1776, you could still have a white, Christian country, where you die if you get sick, arrest homosexuals, support all the unwanted children who are born. So, then what is left?

    They are not even trying to get universal health care. Obama has had summits with medical professionals and health care executives to find a workable solution with both private enterprise and government cooperating. That is not socialism. He is not taking over private insurance companies just trying to help people who cannot afford premiums.

    You can't say, America Love It or Leave It as pro-Vietnam supporters used to say at that time because dissent should exist in a democracy.

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is a diversified society. 250 years ago, where you are mentally, the country was Christian because the Founders came from England and were Protestant. This is a melting pot, not only Christian, but a little of everything. Anti-Americanism means you don't accept anyone who is different from you because this is a democracy. If you want to go back to 1776, you could still have a white, Christian country, where you die if you get sick, arrest homosexuals, support all the unwanted children who are born. So, then what is left?

    They are not even trying to get universal health care. Obama has had summits with medical professionals and health care executives to find a workable solution with both private enterprise and government cooperating. That is not socialism. He is not taking over private insurance companies just trying to help people who cannot afford premiums.

    You can't say, America Love It or Leave It as pro-Vietnam supporters used to say at that time because dissent should exist in a democracy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    unfortunately for you America has NEVER been a "right wing christian country" some of our founding fathers were Christians this is true but that was over 250 years ago for one, and on top of that they wrote directly in the constitution(which i'm sure you are just extremely familiar with... NOT) that men should have the freedom to choose whether or not to worship, who to worship, how to worship. and most importantly they wrote that i have the right to tell you to shut the **** up and do your ******* history homework. our founding fathers were extremely liberal, they were revolutionaries after all. you know America has always been a mixing pot for cultures if you can't accept the fact that not everyone agrees with you (which most people don't) then you sir, are the one who needs to leave because you are basically acting like a Nazi. and i think you will find that your anti-gay, anti-diversity views are not only in the minority but also anti-American. also you call the "left-wingers" to be pacifist, well if that is so then why are they the only people who are doing something productive. the only thing that the right is doing right now is criticizing the left but offering no ideas to contribute and offering no middle ground.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, first of all, this country was founded by a mixture of people, and it is still make up of a mixture. Currently, over 70% of the country disagree with you, which would make you a minority. What's really disturbing about your comment, though, is how you seem to feel entitled to this country over the rights of others. It's narrow-minded idiots like you who make the most reviled country in the world. Oh, and just so you know, Jesus Christ (who you profess to follow) was an ardent liberal, and advocated all of the things you oppose.

    Perhaps we do need a war to clear out the idiots like you...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    "Republicans are to blame for not implementing a final solution on them." We are Republicans, not Nazis. Despite the leftist rhetoric, there is a nearly infinite difference between the two. We also don't judge an entire nation because a personnel manager is an imbecile.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are a ******* moron.

    The Left run this country, and you redneck Republicans are the reason why the past 8 years were a complete joke.

    Go back to watching NASCAR and not knowing the difference between Socialism, Liberalism, Fascism, or any other "ism"


  • 1 decade ago

    Okay..That's, tell ya what...If for some reason you are unfortunate to lose your job, I want your solemn vow you will NOT use Social Security, Disability, Food Stamps, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE, or any LEFT-WING help program that is currently or in the future will be in place ! SWEAR IT NOW!

    BTW..Last I looked...WE WON..YOU get out...Take the 3 Stooges (Hannity, Rush and Beck and go find a nice little island and debate the greatness of the GOP! hahahahahahahaha

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel the same about you American'ts or Americwon'ts. There are many countries that are based on the Republic idea, Cuba, Korea, Russia, Slovakia, Columbia, ...........

    If I could afford it, I would move from this bureaucrat invested country, but you all keep taking my money.

    Oh, and by the way, America was NOT founded on Christian beliefs. 2/3rds of the founding fathers were actually deists and atheists. Most were Masons. Your ideas are so close to 1700 English rule, it's not funny. So, if you don't like the "AmeriCANS" then take your American't butt to another country. Your megalomaniac ideals are halting progress.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who the **** are you to tell anyone they are unamerican. The presumption that everything right wing is patriotic and everything left is sodomy loving flag burners is so ignorant.

    If you truly believed in freedom and in america you will realise how un-american that question is. Have your opinions yes that's fine, even argue with us, but don't tell them they are anti-american.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay here is the deal:

    I'm not a Left-Winger, but I think your hypocrisy is showing. YOU (Republicans) LOST the bloody election and YOU are the one crying now. If you don't like what's happening in the U.S.A. - perhaps it's time you move out - go ahead and look for a country that will put up with your hateful stance on every issue. Go ahead and look for a country that will allow you to talk smack about that Nation's leader with NO evidence to back it up.

    I think it’s time YOU (Republicans) shut up or put up. If you have nothing positive to add, get out of the way and let people who actually care about this nation (rather than politics) fix mess your failed Republican policies have created.

    You talk about “anti-American values” – look in the mirror!

    Source(s): Life Long Independent
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