Jan Brewer won't be running for AZ governor again, what will she do next?

She has a GED and a radiology certificate, is this enough education for higher office at the national level?


I didn't ask anything about the president; do you have anything to say about Jan Brewer or do you just vent involuntarily?


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Time to hit the mud wrestling circuit.


She could run for President. As for educational background, the incumbent has not allowed his records to be reviewed, but he CLAIMS a lot of things.

I'd rather have Brewer than Obama.


I haven't seen Obama's college scores, at all. The liberals, and the other low information voters reelected him.


They elected a Community Organizer didn't they


Obummer was a law student. what does that qualify him for? Oh ...that's right it was from the illustrious Harvard. You sheeople.