parents, would you let your 19 yr old daughter to visit a boyfriend states away for 2 weeks?

Daughter is asking me if she can do this. New boyfriend and she has met him before--I think she's too young yet as she's just turned 19.


Just to inform you all, yes she is a college student and yes, has ask that I pay her way! She still lives with me and doesn't work, therefore she lives under my rules whether or not she's an adult. First time away from home with a boyfriend, so yeah, I do worry.


Favorite Answer

You can not stop her. I wouldn't pay for it if I were you, but she is an adult and you have no choice to let her go if she pleases. All you can do is make sure she is acting responsibly and aware of any dangers that can happen while traveling.

Moon Queen2014-04-08T17:20:14Z

She is 19 years old, she doesn't need to ask for your permission to pack up and go stay with her boyfriend. Of course she may be young but this isn't a decision for you to make. It's her's.


If she were living in a dorm at college, you wouldn't know WHERE she was or who she was spending the night with. You have to let go sometime.


She's an adult. She doesn't need your permission unless you are the one paying for the trip.


At 19 I lived on my own 3 hours away from my parents.
She is old enough to make her own chioces.

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