Why do people expect you to change your mentality just because its 2014? So im supposed to agree with gay marraige, 2 men raising babies etc?

Just because society increasingly devalues themselves as human beings more and more everyday? I recently had a friend on FB get mad because i didnt agree with their post about gay marraige being approved in their state. I was basically told "its the year 2014 and i should be accepting of it". I dont have to go with "the trend". LOL.


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I know what you mean. Just because idiots thing gays are normal does not make them normal.
Wrong is still wrong in 2014 as it was in the year 100.


"Just because society increasingly devalues themselves as human beings more and more everyday?"

What an ironic question. Your superiority complex is absurd. You're getting mad at people for telling you to stop dissing gay marriage, then you got the nerve to say people devalue themselves because of this? Man you one hypocritical dude...


Fine, just don't blame others for calling you out on your bigoted ideals.

Zuha Sange2014-05-29T14:51:44Z

See, ur friend needs to understand that everyone has a point of view, that cannot be just insulted and denounced.......just because its 2014 u cannot walk naked on roads....well, u also have a responsibility, not to insult and denounce sum one else's view, because politely not supporting is one thing and insulting sumone's views is one thing


What's not to agree with?

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