Why do people believe in global warming.?


Favorite Answer

Because they are being brainwashed, they are taught it in schools, politicians talk about it all the time, and TV and newspapers are full of it, it is big propaganda.


Because they are thinking that Global warming is the truth but it is not really. Is just that people think that way. Some time there is some extra adding to the world so people will think about it. But for my sake think of God that create nature and the world we can live on.


Global warming is a fabricated lie to scare people to believe we have a huge economical crisis; which is the objective of the occult's agenda


it is a scientific fact and scientists have been studying it for over 40 years. Unfortunately for that same amount of time, the coal, oil and natural gas industries have been paying think tanks and some individuals like Willie Soon to publicly deny GW


It makes logical sense to the human brain. You'll learn it in Chemistry&Physics.

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