If given a million dollars to "help" people, how would you use it? (I never realized people extremely different ideas of "help")?
I tried to categorize in Religion/spirituality...
I realize a mil is considered "pocket change" today, but my intent here was to learn others definition or concept of what helping another is, with money.
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The key to helping is to allow the person to help themselves..... there is a family here that survived by digging in the garbage .... instead of feeding them..... or any other direct aid which creates dependency..... I "loaned" them money to buy two taxis.... and start a business..... I know I will die before the loan is paid.....but they are now able to keep their dignity.....and earn a living long after I am gone..... they are NOT dependent on me.... nor taking charity If I had a million dollars for charity I would use it in a similar way....
If you want my most honest answer I'd count myself as a people and help myself to it. If I couldn't give it to myself then I'd give it to a family member with the intention of splitting it. I'm not so well off that a million dollars wouldn't go a long ways towards really improving my life, so I don't think this at all greedy.