What are your feelings about mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the awareness of feelings, bodily sensations, surroundings, and thoughts without judgement.

How does this fit into your philosophy or religion?


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well this is actually quite a complicated question to answer as you can break the word mindfullness into loads of category's...so if i were to take your examples of mindfulness, i might say that

- awareness of feelings + thoughts = 1 category and...
- bodily sensations + surroundings = 2 category

(i divided them like this because category 1 is purely composed of immaterial substances and category 2 is predominantly things that are linked to the physical).

as a result, with this clear distinction of physical and immaterial you may come to contemplate the world (mindfulness - what you experiences) based on two separate means which is the mind (based on human thought alone) and the body (physical - science, material). what is quite beneficial for this exploration of philosophy, is Descartes substance dualism - and his Cartesian skepticism.

The reason i mention Descartes is because that is where My personal opinion manifests from. I think that the mind which constitutes most of our experiences (physical and non physical) is the main component for living, and is our understanding for the knowledge that we have. While some may say that the physical may be contemplated, the mind is completely different because it can string pieces of knowledge together without anything that we experience around us.

You may be thinking that i have lost the plot hahah...after all how can we form an idea, or even think of something that we havent already experienced? But im going to give you an example:

say for instance you had two bananas on the floor and two bananas on a table, and then you added them up - you would know that you have four bananas. now take away the (physical) bananas and substitute that with the concept of two in your mind, and then add on another two. you are lead to the same answer which is four. After all when you physically write numbers, they are only symbols and an expression of a thought process that originated in your mind so that you can then express it to other people.


As an Empath; I 'feel' these on a continuous basis.
Mindfulness is not drawing attention to this.

It is being aware, (Mindful), of ones 'emotional' needs.

☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼2014-06-22T13:57:56Z

Mindfulness is being conscious in this world. Consciousness is one with the universe, while being here on earth. I am mindful of my responsibilities, obligations and the well being of my own person. As I learn to be one with Universal Consciousness, I find the need to be completely mindful here, less and less. :D

Kayla Allen2014-06-22T11:56:17Z

mindfulness is alot like curtiousness. mindfulness does not mean without judgement. it just means have rightful judgment. i think what you mean is without condemning, you can know what a person does is wrong without condenming them


How can you be aware of your feelings without judgment? To observe is to assess.