Christians, what is the appeal of a secular forum over a strictly Christian one?

You obviously have choices of forums and chat rooms but you, you who are reading this, are in a secular one. Because of that, you EXPECT different opinions, don't you? (since the topic is religion, almost everything is someone's opinion)

I have a feeling that either you like being challenged or you are trying to convert people. (Or the Christian ones are broken records?)

What is the appeal of a secular forum over Christian ones?


Favorite Answer

The appeal of this forum is not that it is secular.
The appeal is
- the number of questions asked
- and, therefore, the number of questions I feel qualified to answer

I know of no other forum where so many people ask so many questions regarding Christianity and the Bible to which I know the correct answers.

Blue Gangsta2014-06-22T16:25:54Z

These are the same people who hang around empty swimming pools because they think someone might drown.

Guys, you aren't "saving' anyone from anything...your apocalyptic little torture fantasy is just that...a fantasy.


not preaching to the choir


more opportunities to proselytize and complain about atheists.



Since you obviously don't know the meaning of the word secular,
Christian Sinner has spelled it out for you. If you still can't grasp it,
get someone to explain it to you.

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