Best borderlands 2 character?

I have heard a lot of people say zer0 because he is the most powerful and has good survivability, not a really a support player though, and I guess he's a little more difficult to play than the others. People say maya or krieg, but I have all characters maxed and I'm thinking those people just haven't played as zer0 or don't know how too, because he is hands down the highest damage dealer and good with surviving. Axton has good turrets and is fun to use, but he is honestly a simple character. Gaige, she's overrated. Gunzerker, money shot is the only thing that stood out for me. Siren was boring. Krieg, really fun, good survivability, does decent damage. I just think zer0 has the most diversity, and is effective with all builds if you know how to use him.. But this is all my opinion, what's yours?


It really depends on what class you are most comfortable with. Try to experiment with each classes and if you find it as the most suitable character then go with it. Zero is most common because he's easy with the skills and such as for others they're average but more tactical oriented.


Are you guys kidding me? The solder is so OP, if you put down that turret with the correct upgrades, you can regen health after your shield recharges, also your turret will help a lot against tough enemys. This is my opinion because it really was the only one I played the game fully with.


The best is the one you like playing most.


I like Salvador personally